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City Of Neligh



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Neligh Development Agency

The Neligh Development Agency is primarily responsible for overseeing the growth and re-investment into the Neligh area. The Neligh Development Agency acts as the contact point and project management for all Tax Increment Financing projects in Neligh. Neligh has been using TIF to spur redevelopment since 1998, with its first project being the Willows Assisted Living Facility.  The Agency was resurrected upon the formation of the Economic Development Board when the City realized that TIF was an integral component to achieving success in growing Neligh.  

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Neligh’s purpose in the use of TIF is to remove blight, stimulate investment in deteriorating areas, and stimulate job creation by encouraging re-development.  TIF is a state authorized public funding mechanism for municipalities that helps pay for public improvements associated with redevelopment projects in blighted and substandard areas. Under Nebraska Community Development Law, Neb. Rev. Stat 18-2101 (here-in referred to as the “Act”), municipalities are authorized to designate blighted and substandard areas that contain deteriorating buildings, high unemployment, aged structures, unimproved land, low-income residents, and/or declining population along with other factors as stated in the law. The Act restricts the City of Neligh from declaring more than 50% of the City’s corporate boundaries as blighted and substandard.

How does TIF Work? 

First, the potential project must be located in the Redevelopment Area as stated by the City of Neligh’s Blight and Substandard Study. See map for more details. If the property resides in this area, interested re-developers should contact the Director of the Neligh Development Agency at the information provided below. The property will be assessed at a “base year,” or as it existed prior to development. An estimate is made to determine the future assessed value of the property after improvements have been made. The difference between the “base year” and the improved valuation will be called the “tax increment.” The redeveloper can have access to the funds generated by the “tax increment” for 15 years or until the TIF indebtedness is paid in full. The “increment” can be used to reduce eligible costs generated by the redevelopment process. Eligible costs will be explained in-depth further on. Property taxes are paid as normal based on the improved valuation. The “base year” taxes are distributed to all taxing authorities. The property tax collected on the tax increment are used to finance bonds issued to pay for redevelopment.  

Eligable TIF Projects

In order for projects to be eligible for Tax Increment Financing the project must meet all of the following criteria as required by Neb. Rev. Stat. 12-2101:

  • The project must be located in an area declared blighted and substandard by the City Council.
  • The project must be in conformance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the Redevelopment Plan for the project area.
  • The developer must demonstrate that the project, as designed, would not be economically feasible with our TIF assistance.  This is commonly called the “but for” test, meaning the project would not occur as designed “but for” the availability of TIF funding.

Eligible TIF Expenditures

As set forth by Nebraska Community Development Law, Neb. Rev. Stat. 18-2101, eligible expenditures for TIF include:

  1. Acquisition and site preparation of redevelopment sites including demolition, grading, environmental remediation and related work prior to construction of the project and costs associated with relocation.
  2. Public improvements associated with a redevelopment project, including the design and construction of public arterial streets, sidewalks, alleys, water, sewer, street lights, the design and construction of public parking; design and installation of public street scape amenities; and the preservation of historic facades.

Member of the Neligh Development Agency

  • Randy Marcove – President
  • Doug Bolling - Vice President
  • Andy Elder
  • Krista Schindler
  • Traci Jacobsen


Lauren Sheridan - Director

Shelby Snodgrass - Assistant Director

Contact Us

Email:  Lauren@neligh,org
Phone: (402) 887-4447