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City Of Neligh



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The City of Neligh is committed to planning for the future.  The City has developed several planning documents and community input documents (see below).

Comprehensive Plan (2015)

The City of Neligh's Comprehensive Plan, developed by consultants at Miller and Associates in 2014 and adopted in 2015.  This plan will guide Neligh through the next ten years.  This document is still in draft form and has yet to be adopted.

Zoning Map  (2017)

Housing Study (2015)

The City of Neligh's Housing Study was developed by consultants at Miller and Associates in 2014 and was adopted in 2015.  The study identifies several housing needs as well as a plan to solve those needs.   

Housing Study (2022)

The City of Neligh's Housing Study was developed by consultants at Five Rule Rural Planning in 2022 and was adopted in 2022.  The study identifies several housing needs as well as a plan to solve those needs.   

Economic Development Strategic Plan (2014)

The Neligh Economic Development Office developed and adopted an in house strategic plan in 2014.  The plan outlines the Office's vision of success and several action items to achieve that success. 

City of Neligh Strategic Plan (2020)

The City of Neligh's Strategic Plan identifies several goals and objectives and action items to achieve those goals.  The plan outlines the next few years for the City of Neligh. This document is still in development and will be posted upon completion.

Capital Improvement Plan (2015)

The City of Neligh is committed to fiscal responsibility, as such, the City has developed a Capital Improvement Plan that lays out capital expenditures for the next five years.

Community Needs Assessment (2014)

As part of its planning process, the City of Neligh worked with Miller and Associates to develop a Community Needs Assessment.  This survey was sent to 736 households throughout Neligh and surrounding Neligh, asking the households what improvements are needed in Neligh and their general attitude toward the community.

Neligh Blight and Substandard Study #1

The City of Neligh has adopted this Blight and Substandard document that designates a portion of the City as in need of redevelopment.

Neligh General Redevelopment Plan #1

General redevelopment plan for Redevelopment Area #1 in Neligh which outlines appropriate redevelopment projects.

Neligh Blight and Substandard Study #2

The City of Neligh has adopted this Blight and Substandard document that designates a portion of the City as in need of redevelopment.

Neligh General Redevelopment Plan #2

General redevelopment plan for Redevelopment Area #2 in Neligh which outlines appropriate redevelopment projects.

Neligh Blight and Substandard Study #3

The City of Neligh has adopted this Blight and Substandard document that designates a portion of the City as in need of redevelopment.

Neligh General Redevelopment Plan #3

General redevelopment plan for Redevelopment Area #3 in Neligh which outlines appropriate redevelopment projects.

Downtown Revitalization Plan - 2016

Redevelopment Plan for the 11 block downtown district of the City of Neligh.